Hitchens argues that the extradition is political, but his evidence is flawed. The extradition has been pursued by both US parties (Trump (R) and Biden (D)). The reason Obama didn't pursue the extradition was because he's a constitutional lawyer who saw that the extradition would undermine US legitimacy -- something that neither Trump nor Biden can see.
Hitchens understates how serious the case against Assange is. The purpose of the extradition is to place Assange in inhumane conditions for as long as possible, whether rotting in a UK prison awaiting extradition, lying in a cement coffin in a US supermax prison for life, or being tortured in Guantanamo Bay. As they say, the process is the punishment.
Either way, if the US government is allowed to get ahold of Assange, it will open a door that cannot close. What will later come through that door will make Assange's experience so far seem mild. Americans really have no idea what is in their future.