Let’s say for argument’s sake BTC is at $10k and you are going to sell some at $100k, a 900% increase and a cool clean 10x 😎 A $100 bag becomes $1000 netting a tidy $900 profit.
Imagine that it first dips another 5% to $9.5k and you successfully snipe the very bottom instead of buying at $10k. Then your $100 bag will do a 10.52x before reaching $100k, a gain of 952% and a profit of $952.
So the question is, is that extra $52 worth the stress of trying to time the very bottom while risking missing out on the very real gains already on the table?
The answer really depends on the individual but I’d guess that most will be happy with the straight 10x.
Some will opt to split their buys up into smaller chunks to try to get some in at the very bottom, risking missing the bottom and buying some small amounts a bit higher up too. But on balance this will probably give the same net DCA as just buying at $10k and chilling.
TLDR: the advice is right for most people but does depend on how much upside you expect