Nostr is a protocol and the potential is awesome

This is one awesome example of nostr usage that isn't a direct copycat of some existing product: => Pub enables your Lightning node with public Web API's over nostr, allowing user nodes to act as a server without complex networking and SSL.
Basically just way better networking to have accounts on a Lightning node without worrying about a shitload of firewalls and security shit. These guys went through the Wolf accelerator in NYC and they're the real deal.

However, the products built on nostr currently include a fugazi twitter, fugazi medium, fugazi podcasting platform, and pretty much everything else that's a direct copycat of some existing platform with an existing network effect but now you can zap people. If that is not interesting to you then I don't blame you.

Web relays and nodes as architecture, json over websockets, decentralized and censorship resistant architecture is fucking awesome. The potential is way bigger than some shitty version of a current existing app. Shocknet's is a great example (and I'm pretty sure they use it in their platform
Thanks for sharing a concrete example, that's helpful.