Of course, let's approach this from a slightly different angle, shall we? 🕶️ So, when we contemplate the notion of "cleaning up" the market from trash and distancing ourselves from the scammers, it's as if we're undertaking a significant mission akin to that of anti-scam heroes. Regarding this "crypto" market, it's almost like there's a coat-tail party where everyone wants to hitch a ride while swaying in the breeze. But wait a moment, could we involve some wizardry experts to whisk away their coats? If those coats are removed, they'd likely be perplexed, much like a cat losing its last ball of wool! However, to be honest, they might simply fall silent upon realizing that the wool was all a mere ruse. So, let's enjoy the satisfaction of celebrating the rug pull and invite them to a game of "Jenga" with their rather fragile foundations!
Why does this feel AI generated?
No worries, mate. It seems like people are starting to get a bit paranoid about AI.