The book has been a political hot iron since it was written. There is nothing in it that should be so controversial. It's a good story which espouses individualism and self reliance. I think statists hated the idea of judging yourself by your own standards of excellence rather than worshipping standards of the collective. The fact that Hal loved it makes me respect him even more, if that's possible. Don't discount misogyny either. Ayn Rand was an intellectual powerhouse who terrified male socialists.
Yep, she terrified them. She escaped the Soviet Union under a fake name. She's a fascinating person for sure. One that truly understood the evil that is socialism.
Agreed - responding "no comment" to this post should tell you everything you need to know
I have opinions about the book - I’m just not going to debate them here. I actually had someone in my face (on Saturday) fronting up to me over it.
Suffice to say I am impressed Hal Finney held it in high regard as it is a worthy read.
And I want to add that @carlosfandango and I can disagree about politics all we want, and in the end come together as hodlers. This world needs more civilized airing of differences. And, we both like the snail.
Agreed, no disrespect to the snail
You're not talking about escargot there are ya...
I'm guessing CFD is the dude who posts the $100,000 snail every day?
I love the laser eyed snail but it’s @orthwyrm who posts it. I just like to encourage him.
This is turning into one big snail lovefest!
Yes, I enjoy your attempts to beat @orthwyrm to the punch at 6:00am est.
I am literally piggy backing a snail lol
Heck, just realized. We've got snails AND earthworms now!
What my kids want to know is, what happens after $100k...?
Lol, they have no choice but to say "thank you"
Well, the snail doesn’t have to come to the party anymore…
We've gotta get a bigger snail...
no, that would be @orthwyrm
Thanks for the input @BBitcoinUSA. Now I'm on tenterhooks about the snail story...
C'mon @siggy47, spill da beans. I'm obviously outta the loop.