I had a run through your store and here are my 2 sats:
  • your clothing print is not really that appealing. The artwork itself looks nice, just need to make it look better on the clothes. You seem to take a photograph as is and photoshop it on your clothes. Not that nice looking. The image should looke like it is part of the clothing, not just a photo slapped on it (it looks very lazy and cheap, add a prompt to AI, get a picture, slap it on a t-shirt and put it up in the store) (of course this is just my opinion, some might prefer this type of print, but it does look cheap)
  • this type of merchandise needs marketing to the right community (like this post you just made ;)), but of course, the merchandise needs to be appealing, without that you are just waisting money
  • you don't give me discount if I pay with bitcoin?
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hahaha I like how they literally make the difference between real LN and Strike.
exactly, much better
Thanks, good reference. Bit of a different style overall, but good to know. I think I looked at this site quite a while back. Looks like it's changed quite a bit since then.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm working on getting the btc/ln payment discount implemented. Not as easy as I had hoped. Looking to partner with Oshi for a 'sats back' program. Appreciate your other observations šŸ™šŸ»