I have despised the Braves for many years. They always have the Mets number. Chipper Jones (world class douchebag) named his kid Shea because he hit so well there.
That's an obscure fact that I was unaware of. I am somewhat fond of the Braves. I was a fan of Anthopolous when he was GM of the Blue Jays. Local Toronto guy that made his way up the ranks in baseball to eventually be GM. I didn't like how Shapiro pretty much ran him out of town when he took over the team from Paul Beeston. Essentially telling him he could stay on as GM but would have no autonomy. Pretty crappy move after the guy puts together the first Jays playoff team in 22 years. So I hope Anthopolous wins another one in Atlanta to shove it in Shapiro's face.
Overall Shapiro has done a good job in Toronto running the business side of things, managing the relationship with a corporate owner and getting the ballpark renovation done but his hand picked GM Ross Atkins has been a disaster. Part of me hopes the Jays don't make the playoffs because it will likely mean Atkins gets fired. I don't like to wish ill on people but the guy has made so many boneheaded moves and pretty much wasted the years the team had Bichette and Vladdy under control. The guy thinks everything in baseball comes down to luck and his analytics department are geniuses while they routinely get outclassed and embarrassed by fellow AL East teams that know exactly how to game plan against them.
Anyways, that's my rant about that and why I don't mind if the Braves win the WS again this year.
Of course