Leaving “yourself” out and not making it about your”SELF” might be another perspective. When you attach external things happening in the external world, like something “succeeding” or “failing” to your”SELF” you attach it to your self”WORTH” and then you introduce doubt, fear in the equation.
Because giving meaning to the result of an action in the outside world, can be the key to letting fear in.
What does it mean to you to yourSELF if something turns out to be an A or a B?
What does it actually MEAN?
It doesn’t MEAN anything! If I cannot make a code work it doesnt mean shit about mySELF. It doesn’t MEAN I suck, that I’m worthless.
I just means the code doesn’t work. Period! If I can’t make 1 million a year, after trying 1000 times, it doesn’t mean anything, about me. It only means I have not found the solution to the experiment called “earning 1 million per year”. Period!
Most people stop trying when the attach the results to themSELVES.
That’s why I’m trying to even get the words “success” and “failure” out of my vocabulary.
Like you I “generalize” it more. By seeing it like I’m a scientist doing an experiment, for me that is a way of generalizing it completely. And not making the thing I want to accomplish about ME. But turning it into an experiment with a binary output: a 0 or a 1.