Funny you should ask, I'm about to drag my kids to a place that's about as close to the North Pole as it is to civilization, specifically in the hopes that we can all disconnect for a week. I actually remember a time when screens were not a constant companion, and I want my kids to at least understand what's been lost. I'm not naive enough to think they won't be as addicted as I am when they grow up, but I at least want to give them a basis for comparison.
sounds like an awesome trip :)
Thanks. I sit in front of a computer all day, So I really need this break. I'm hoping that boredom is as cool as my rose-tinted recollections of my childhood suggest.
Cool, are you bringing lots of stuff (books, crafts, games)? We're staying a week with extended family and aside from the main events, it tends to devolve into everybody sitting in front of their laptop. I'm planning on bringing "toys" to get people interacting. It's tough though, the siren song of connected devices is strong.
We'll be bringing books, but there's a lot of us and it's important to travel light (we're going quite far away from home), so I'm really counting on lots of time outdoors picking berries and whatnot. I think there's a TV in the rental house, but I hope I resist the temptation and the kids' nagging. I think a week of boredom will be good for all of us.