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This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I guess this is as good a thread as any to say hi to the community on here and start getting a feel for how this site works. I have a question, is it possible to follow specific people here or is searching them the only method?
I don't think there's any mechanism here to follow someone. You can stalk their profile though.
It's probably closer to reddit than twitter in terms of functionality. And much better than both.
Thanks, it's taking a bit of getting used to, I never was much of a fan of Reddit though I've been on multiple forums over the years. I've noticed more long form detailed posts here which I like, especially when the conversation stretches me a bit.
The media coverage of LK-99 is yet another example of how paying attention to the news makes you uniformed.
Media outlets touted LK-99 as a room-temperature superconductor, saying that we were on the verge of another technological revolution. As a result, tons of scientists have tested LK-99 and concluded that it is not a superconductor at all. The magnetic properties are probably just iron contamination in one of the ingredients used to make LK-99. Moreover, it turns out that the original paper didn't have any evidence of superconductivity whatsoever -- at most some curious effects at low electrical currents.
It is tempting to blame the people who published the original paper on LK-99 for misrepresenting their own research. But the people that actually deserve the blame are media outlets who hype LK-99 despite a lack of evidence to justify that hype.
Meanwhile, there are other recent papers on superconductors that have far better evidence and might actually be useful research, but media outlets have paid no attention to those papers. "We don't want to tell you about useful things; we only want to hype you up over thigns that don't matter."
Are the "next big thing" ossilations becoming more frequent? We had Trump dominate for 2016-2020 (Brexit in UK), and then covid-19 for a couple years after that. But in the last year alone we seem to have gone from Ukraine -> banking crisis -> aliens -> AI -> superconductors.
Are the "next big thing" ossilations becoming more frequent?
No, most people only remember the last few years of controversies. Moreover, it is more-or-less random whether a news article will strike a nerve with enough readers to generate a controversy (which is the goal of journalism, afterall).
gpt4all now has the ability to add your own documents, so you can literally talk to a pdf.
It's not as advanced as chatgpt, but it runs on your own computer, so it's private.
More daily stacking to cold storage and envisioning the Bitcoin dream!
Hi everyone!! The weekend is here at last and it's time to relax a bit, it feels like it's going to be a good one so let's make the best of it, for myself I think I'm going to treat myself with something sweet, perhaps a vanilla milkshake or a candy bar. I wish you all a phenomenal weekend and may you be joined with your loved ones. Remember that you matter and you're important!! Be well my friend and stay frosty!!
I installed the Stacker New web app on my phone and allowed notifications. As a result I've increase my participation tremendously, and started making more sats than I boost to others. Uh-oh? Will this spark a new addiction and lead me to neglect my work and personal life to just sit on Stacker News and stack sats all day?
What wrong with that?
Only that I would rather be building someone
The only thing worth being addicted to is sats. Also women. Also maybe cool people generally.
I'm into air and water myself
They are very tasty those cheeky sats. Healthier than whisky, women and methamphetamine as well.
I am still building guys... This is just a sneak preview. Soon will post a larger article about this work in progress.
P.S: - inside 12 sacks are 12 words 😂😂😂😂 For eternity.
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Yup ice cold move!
Day 119 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Slow and steady…
Snail? Where he be?
I think I saw him with Michelle… but could have been his own.
Almost at the 4 month mark, how time flies.
We have to plan something special for the big day
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