I finished 100 days of coding with python on Replit. It wasn’t so bad. I have an idea on how to use html css and flask. Now it’s actually doing something with what I learned
As a non-coder myself but IT literate nontheless, how do you see Python's future in light of the .js developments of late?
Not sure to be honest. I think it will have its place it’s very user friendly
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Someone may be able to better explain from a coding point of view, but for example, BRC20/Ordinals and Recursion etc was highlighting the human fuckery of coding languages compared to what's achievable with less using JavaScript.
(apologies if I'm not explaining the best, pretty new to things, down the rabbithole...)
Yep, webassembly is giving web and js devs access to the power of the gpu, such as your example of 3D rendering in realtime. This creates the potential to run ai inference on the edge (on user's computer) with cross compatibility across platforms and browsers, meaning no need to target each platform - iOS, android, windows - with a native app.
The other potential that webassembly - which I know less about - is enabling safer and more secure application, maybe delivered as progressive webapps. If i recall correctly this is something supertestnet was talking about on a podcast - write a js implementation of lighning with webassembly - and something Mutiny wallet might be doing?