Ugh, hate to see this. Here's some context for people who don't know the actors:
Erik Voskuil is an OG who has contributed mightily to btc in many ways. Super smart dude, but arrogant as fuck, always nit-picks things to death, sort of the btc equivalent of Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons, if CBG had been a fighter pilot.
Looks like he made a tool that was way less explicit about its cryptographic shortcomings than the dox indicated. People used one of his tools in ways they technically shouldn't have. Voskuil disclaims responsibility for the mis-use and won't fix his fucking code, which is technically fine -- half the fuckers on SN thought it was no problem when somebody exploited a bug last week and stole tens of millions of sats, so I assume they're on Voskuil's side here -- but kind of a dick move. Still, a totally predictable dick move, given his personality.
If kids keep coming into your yard and falling into a hole and getting hurt, maybe put up a barrier around the hole or something. Yeah, it's legally their own fault for coming onto your property, but again, is it really necessary to be a dick all the time, just bc you technically can?
Man. Also:
My general comment: This is why you verify.
Please raise your hand, SN citizens, if you have manually inspected the PRNG code for whatever your wallet of choice is.
Can we just admit that life is full of trust, and that even in btc people have to trust other people at some point? Nobody is verifying everything in the logistical chain -- hardware and software -- that stands between you and your btc tx.