git is the difference between a developer and a script kiddie
git, it's just the only source control on familiar with
Yeah, maybe slow down a little bit here. These technologies come and go. Git is literally only 15 years old. A lot of the tech you use every day was and is developed with e.g. SVN. Some of the most hardcore tech dudes I know are 50+ years old, are real veterans in in broad variety of technologies, have extensive knowledge on a lot of low-stack tech and only recently learned adopted Git.
Or to say it more provocatively: If you only know Git, you're still a kiddie. Good developers are tech-agnostic, don't define themselves by the tech they happened to be born in and can adapt to the current state of technological advancement
Linux is only about 30 years old, is it a fad like Git?
I disagree with what you are saying, Git was created by Linus Torvalds because there wasn't a tool that was good enough. Git worked, it overtook all other SCMs, because it's better. I don't see a big downside in learning other SCMs, but git is better then them by miles. If someone with 50+ years in the tech world said they were better at writing software than Linus Torvalds I'd ask for receipts. Didn't they create not 1 but 2 tools that are kicking ass?