They will buy us out to create a Stack Kings division.
Catchy name.
Did you see @k00b indicated that user generated subs potentially by end of Oct?
No. I missed it. That is good news. Can you get dibs on sports?
I guess we will see if I am quick enough on the draw. Maybe someone will beat me to the punch.
Maybe you can slip @k00b a few million sats under the table, so to speak?
I actually have some ideas how we could grow a sports sub beyond the bitcoin community that will help both SN and Bitcoin adoption.
I was planning on taking a contract job in the fall but maybe I will hold off until the new year and work on this. Running low on fiat after a year and a half of bear market though.
Your response has me thinking about possibilities too, in a completely different direction. With all of us pursuing our individual interests, it's a win for us, SN, and bitcoin. Aligned incentives
I could see it now. Hoards of Islanders fans (there has to be at least a couple hundred of you, right?) flooding to stacker news- sports sub to read Siggy's weekly musing called "On an Island".