Day two of the new job. The shipyard I left 6 months ago to work as a yacht electrician opened a yacht electrician position. I found myself very unhappy with the job I had in the meantime, but the experience I gained in those 6 months were important for me feeling like I could fulfill the job responsibilities. The supposed did not previously have a yacht electrician, but they have a yard electrician. He's leaving tomorrow. We're supposed to be doing inventory of the equipment in his office so that when they find a replacement for him we will know what all we have in inventory. The electrical office is a mess. Given his own displeasure with his current position, he pretty much ignored doing inventory, oh well. I'm trying to clean up the office a little, at least. Otherwise this means I'm not really doing work yet. I await some supplies. Maybe next week I will be able to get on a boat, but in the meantime I'm happy this electrical office has a wall A/C unit!