Your situation is indeed challenging, and your feelings of frustration and concern are entirely valid. It's clear that you have strong skills, enjoy working with others, and have faced unexpected setbacks in your job search. Let's take your specific experiences and thoughts into consideration and provide some options you may explore:
  1. Interview Analysis and Follow-Up:
    • Consider Objective Interview Feedback: Since your interviews generally go well, you may benefit from seeking professional feedback to pinpoint any unnoticed areas for improvement.
    • Strengthen Post-Interview Communication: Given your experience in the applicant tracking system, you understand the importance of organized hiring pipelines. Implement a consistent follow-up routine after interviews to re-emphasize your interest and maintain engagement.
    • Reflect on Positive Past Interactions: Your ability to build relationships even with past customers in interviews is a great asset. Leverage these connections where applicable.
  2. Resume and Application Enhancement:
    • Highlight Your Versatility: Your work in various roles, including teaching hiring managers about candidate pipelines, demonstrates your adaptability and insight. This expertise is valuable and should be prominently featured.
    • Leverage Past Relationships: If possible, reach out to past contacts like the hiring manager who recognized you. They may have other opportunities or connections that could be beneficial.
  3. Personal Well-being and Support:
    • Address Financial Concerns: Since you're facing significant medical expenses and limited resources, exploring local support services or non-profit organizations that provide assistance with medical bills might relieve some pressure.
    • Build a Support Network: Your realization about the importance of a support network is insightful. Consider joining community groups or forums related to your interests and situation. Sometimes, building connections with others in similar circumstances can provide emotional support.
    • Set Realistic Goals and Expectations: Your past experiences with job loss and housing instability are certainly traumatic. By breaking down your job search into manageable goals and focusing on immediate needs, you may find it easier to navigate through this complex period.
Your detailed description paints a vivid picture of your resilience, capabilities, and current challenges. By tailoring your strategies to leverage your strengths, such as relationship-building and in-depth knowledge of hiring processes, while also focusing on practical support for your immediate needs, I hope you'll find a path forward that aligns with your skills and aspirations. If possible, seeking professional assistance such as career counseling or mental health support may also provide a valuable perspective tailored to your unique situation.
^ great advice ^