A few weeks ago, I used the command
$ git rebase --onto master local-dev <feature-branch>
for the first time and I felt like I ascended, lol
I used it to no longer keep untracked changes in my local repository (changes in .next.config.js and .env.sample). I created a local-dev branch and then create branches from that one.
And before I push, I run this command so my local changes are no longer included in the branch.
Basically, it goes from this:
A---B---C---F---G (master branch) \ D---E---H---I (feature-branch) ^ (local-dev branch)
to this
A---B---C---F---G (master branch) \ \ \ E'---H'---I' (feature-branch) \ D ^ (local-dev branch)
I have done this once but this is seriously bad ass. This is a great usage of this command!
Same! It's a mind-blowing experience. It just works.
It's even more magical if you use Magit for Emacs. ;)