Good write up. I just had to make one small point on your opening paragraph. I don't consider this discussion in itself to necessarily show low time preference thinking. If this is a problem, it needs to be solved or discussed for today and tomorrow just as much as 2140, the logic is simple and as follows. If for whatever reason Bitcoin stopped being viable in 2140 for a reason that we can predict today, then it stops being viable at 2140 - x year too. No one is going to want a coin if we can show that the network will stop working at some point in future, so if people can see what's going to happen then they won't want it the day before the final bitcoin is mined, which means that people the day before that day will also not want it, which continues until we get back to the day we're at today.
Very good point. The whole reason why Bitcoin was even invented was because our current system is unsustainable. If we present an alternative, we need to be sure it will last. So it is as much a problem for today as it is for people in 2140.