They have already eliminated the First Amendment by censoring Americans through the "private company" loophole exposed in the twitter files. Whereas the fiat war machine will be dismantled by the "21 million hardcap" AKA Bitcoin.
You can eliminate the hard cap all you want, the most valuable network will always be the one with the cap in place, regardless of hashrate.
The First Amendment has not been eliminated @sudonaka, neither has the Second Amendment. I would argue it's significantly stronger than it was in 1791 and as strong as it's ever been. I'd probably argue the same for the Second Amendment. The private/public company loophole isn't the same thing.
In effect it is. The constitution is just a piece of paper without the Will of the People to uphold it.
Why has it been upheld for so long? And unchanged? It's a distributed legal document, and throughout history, legal precedent has built on top of legal precedent. Remember, back in 1791 women couldn't vote, slavery existed, native Americans weren't citizens, judicial review didn't exist, freedoms of the press hadn't been established, non-property owners couldn't vote, homosexuality was punished, etc.
I hope you are right and that the principle will be restored.