If enough of LN was on Tor hidden services only there would be zero use case for Monero. The traceability of Bitcoin transactions has not been the doomsday of the darkweb that the M-heads like to make out it is, only problem the dark web has had lately is tor hidden service DoS attacks.
As for the drive chains, the problem as I see it, is there is no real benefit apart from the gimmick for most business use cases.
It is cheaper for most purposes, to simply run a number of data centres, running an app and the data storage back end replicated using a Pub/Sub system of some sort, using a common, mostly availability guaranteeing algorithm like RAFT or PAXOS.
Blockchains are inherently high latency, low throughput systems, and do not match up with any legitimate business use case except for bulk money transaction clearinghouse. IE bitcoin. They either need more scalability, or more throughput, or less latency, and for most business use cases, blockchains are the opposite of goldilocks in every metric.