• What does a bitcoiner say to his wife when he dies? - Don't worry, honey, I'll leave you my private key. - What's that? - It's what you need to access my bitcoins. - And how many bitcoins do you have? - About 10,000. - And how much is that worth? - Well, it depends on the day, today about $500 million, tomorrow maybe nothing. - Oh my god! And is there any way to change them into real money? - Yes, of course, you just have to find someone who will buy them from you. - And is that easy? - Well, not really, most of the platforms are down or hacked, and the ones selling on the street are either scammers or thieves. - So what do I do? - Well, just wait for the price to go up and pray that you don't forget the key. - And what if I forget it? - Well then you've lost everything. - Oh no! And is there any way to recover it? - No, none. That's the thing about Bitcoin, it's very secure but also very cruel.
"And is there any way to change them into real money?"
*gives her the "private key" of 69694206969.
"Good luck"
Last words: NGMI, lol dead
"Real Money". That's where your story goes sideways.
Wouldn't want you to feel you need to participate in cruelty. You don't need to own bitcoin.
You need to stop at: " is there any way to change them into real money?"
If your spouse dares utter these words then you have absolutely failed as a bitcoiner and might as well just sell them for fiat now. How F*cking embarrassing.
My wife knew that Bitcoin was a better storage of our wealth than any bank account a decade ago. She even has her own hardware wallet.
This is more true than you think:). And probably this conversation with the wife does not even happen :). She is left figuring it out on her own
A bitcoiner is enjoying an iced tea on a sunny afternoon on the deck when his wife sits down beside him.
"Honey I've been thinking" "Oh, what about?" "Well if anything should happen to you I have no idea how to get your coins." "Not a problem I'll leave you my private key" "What's that?" "It's how you access my bitcoin" "And how many do you have?" "A lot" "How much is that worth?" "Honestly it depends, today many thousands but it could go to millions or zero" "Oh honey! Is there any way to sell them?" "Sure, you just have to find a buyer" "Is that hard?" "Not as hard as earning it" "..." "I mean, most exchanges are down or hacked, and the ones buying on the street are often scammers and thieves" "So what do I do?" "Well, just wait for the price to go up and pray that you don't forget the key" "And what if I forget it?" "Well then you've lost everything" "Oh no!" "And is there any way to recover it?" "No, none."
That's the thing about Bitcoin, it's very secure but also very cruel.
saylor just shed a tear for freedom and sacrifice