I hadn’t even heard of these guys. Why don’t they accept Bitcoin?
They do accept Bitcoin now, as of today!! Using Open node, i.e. Lightning enabled.
Woohoo! It was a big point for me too. Now need to implement the cool way that Stacker News has to login with LNURL-auth.
Company: We're pro-privacy! Also company: only accepts fiat payment rails
Even Proton, as shit as they are, accept Bitcoin.
Short of self-hosting your email server and hoping that this doesn't happen to you ... what's bad about Proton?
They have cooperated with international law enforcement in the past and handed over user data without the users' consent.
Switzerland has to play by the same rules as everyone else.
I am, in fact, exploring various self-hosting and hybrid solutions to email to finally degoogle my life.
I only heard they provided the IP of a protester in FR or smth. No other personal data... They indeed have to comply, but doesn't mean they log other user data/don't encrypt it.