Ah, this is a repost from a substack. I wanted to recommend the use of markdown more. Break up the text with headings at each stop where you end a thought process and enter into a new thought process and to think of each paragraph at a sprint and to include an image where you want the reader to rest and think about what has been said so far
But if this is just a repost, I suppose you wouldn't care much about all of that.
Good post nonetheless.
Of course I care, but until I read your comment I didn't know how to do this, I'll digest the comment and start developing your tip.
I want to spread 'the word of satoshi' and if I can improve the content along the way, I sure do, I really do.
My goal since February 2023 is to be a bridge between bitcoin and human being, if you can tell me more tips and how to be 'the best bridge' please tell me now
Speaking of which, do you know good alternatives to substack that support markdown? I write almsot all my work in markdown now.
If you're asking me, no I don't. I just use SN. I don't even use substack.
I don't have that answer, I'm going after it to let you know soon