Spanish is the fourth most spoken language and has a half billion native speakers.
How often do you visit websites that are in Spanish? Can't you just use translation? Of course, unless you are someone who speaks Spanish, you make ~0 visits to websites in Spanish.
Now flip that around. With someone who speaks only Spanish (or prefers to read in Spanish over English, or who cannot read English very well if at all) how often are they then on English-only websites? As infrequently as they can.
That helps to explain why SN has few visits from Spanish speaking regions:
I'm not doubting the popularity of the Spanish language.
Rather than spinning up 10 different subs for all the top 10 languages with all the same content replicated on each one, wouldn't user profile language filters be a more elegant solution for everyone?
This way the main board doesn't get fragmented, and each user would only see content from the language(s) they select. Great idea from @nout imo.
oh, I like this very much sir, great idea