I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for a good site to upload photos to for the purpose of linking in SN posts? Imgur was recommended, but each time I try to create an account they say the site can't accommodate new users.
I use https://postimages.org/ but for no real reason. Was just the first site I used and it works good enough
That's what I'm using on @DarthCoin's recommendation, and it's working very well for me so far. Thanks!
Oh, lol, didn't know it's the same site. Just a redirect
I use post postimg.cc and works nice and free. I could use my own NAS too but don't want to mix personal stuff with public.
Thanks @DarthCoin, and welcome back! We need you! I also have a NAS that I'm reluctant to use.
I upload here: https://pasteboard.co/
And then I right click "open image in new tab" to get the fr fr link that will embed properly. Use the preview option in the text box on SN to make sure you did it right.
This looks like it's got a lot of features. Do you pay for premium or is it unnecessary?
No I don't use premium or bother with any other features. Just upload, get my image link and share on SN.
Best and easiest is probably the site Nostr.build, at least that's what I use.