zebedee's wallet is sweet, and you can get a profile with it as well - https://zbd.gg/hodlrodeo lnurl hodlrodeo@zbd.gg
I just got set up with their new streaming product (streamer.zebedee.io)
got it loaded on the twitch and everything works nicely together (I can set up the streaming QR overlay really quickly with a ZBD wallet - the video isn't a tutorial it just shows how fast you can set it up)
get a zbd wallet here: https://zbd.gg/
also - tip bot for discord: I use ZBD's discord bot for tips in my server as do several bitcoin servers (including ZBD's which is a great server) https://xbbb.world/zebedeediscord (zbd server) https://xbbb.world/discord (my server) https://xbbb.world/links (links to more servers)
Love what zbd is doing! I tried their wallet shortly after it came out but ran into an issue then lost the small amount of sats I deposited into it when the app updated.