Your victories mostly speak for themselves.
It’s difficult to learn from sources that hide information. Training models should compress reality to be concise. Success stories that hide loss train you to worship other people.
A person who aspires to make things wants to learn what’s required to make things. Loss is what's required. Lots of it. Progress is made by doing something new. If it's worthwhile, it will be hard. If its hard you will lose many times before you succeed.
If you want to make things, find something worthwhile to make. Embrace that you'll fail and likely change course before succeeding. Succeed and seek again.
The biggest difference between you and whoever you want to be isn't their success. It's their loss.
In my opinion, risks taken and loses suffered are a great way to know about someone's skills and quality. You can't expect great stuff from people who have never put anything at stake.
This thinking makes me hate when people glorify executive leaders in big corporations as if they were touched by god just by being there. I've met many of them, and many are just obedient bees whose biggest credential is patience and loyalty, but have never actually done proper business. Not even a fucking lemonade stand.
Some others do have taken professional and personal risks, and it shows.
you're killing it
The biggest difference between you and whoever you want to be isn't their success. It's their loss.
Very true words. It's your failures that teach you the lessons that lead you to success.
Word. Keep your head up :)
My head is fine. This is for other people's heads.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that yours wasn’t. It’s clear that it is, based on this post existing at all.
All good
All your hard work, diligence and effort is evident in what you have built my friend. Forward.
Building your failure resume is a humbling and liberating exercise!
when you finally find what is working, stick with it though. I just think very few find that.
Great post. I know I lost plenty in my life. But the strong survive and I know my efforts will Pay off in ways I will never know or understand.
Thank you for the motivational message. Just needed this. I am expert in losses. Then thats a good thing right? Life is difficult. Some days more than others. Risk and losses are important. It is important also learn lessons from the losses.
Keep building! Let's go!
I was listening to a podcast the other day (don't recall which one) and the guest said that he wished children were taught that mistakes mean learning, not something bad. I'm paraphrasing.
Keep buidling
Most of the time, you can get better simply by increasing your willingness to lose.
It actually was inspiring. For a few moments i thought i had a bunch more money. Now i feel motivated to actually have that money by creating value.
Is weird to see an honest person online, Your are doing a great work!
Sometimes the only way forward is to fall on your face.
Amen. Keep up the great work I appreciate what you have built with Stacker News
Bravo sir.
𝐇𝗼𝐰𝐝𝐲 𝐝𝗼 ? 🤠 👋
Success stories that hide loss train you to worship other people.