it's hard being a custodian, especially of a barer asset with final settlement in less then a second.
incentivizing users to custody their funds may be an option to reduce the impact of future exploits (ie introduce radioactive decay of sats balances)
as for the exploitee, I think it would be fair for them to keep half as a bounty and return the other half in good faith.
They can keep whatever their conscience allows for all I care.
Decay of balance is interesting.
As a user, I would not like this. I like to be able to go away for a few months with my balance remaining unchanged and not having to worry about withdrawing.
But the issue of being a custodian is interesting. Have you looked at what the law says about it? I imagine that if SN gets big enough it starts to have some legal obligations holding other people's assets
Yeah I agree. The ultimate move is to require adding an external wallet over a certain amount so that we can push sats to it if you go over a reasonable limit.
I mean, a decay rate of 1 sat per month + a notification of this is enough to educate people, which is the main goal.
be cheeky with it, have fun.