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They assinged a lead today Victor Bunin, so I'm bullish. I think binance adopting lightning pushed them pretty hard as well
That poor intern with an NFT pfp
They all have nft pfps at coinbase and Brian wonders why people think they aren't supporting Bitcoin. Haha.
Must be part of the interview process
Adam Back applying for a technical support position at Coinbase.
Recruiter: "What makes you a good candidate for our tech support team"
Adam: "Well I am in the friggin bitcoin white paper. What else do I need to say"
Recruiter: "Ok sir, no need to be hostile. Unfortunately, the bitcoin whitepaper is a banned document here at coinbase do you have any other accomplishments you would like us to take into account".
Adam: "Well I essentially created the framework for proof of work with my HashCash project"
Recruiter: Yikes, proof of work. We don't use that kind of language around here but this HashCash sounds promising? Sounds like the kind of project we might list. Is it an ERC-20 token?
Adam: No, it's not a shitcoin and even if it was I wouldn't build it on that stupid shit Vitalik's chain. That skinny Russian was barely out of diapers when I was working on it.
Recruiter: Sir, we are a tolerant company here at coinbase but one thing we cannot accept is taking Lord Vitalik's name in vain. We owe everything to him. After all, I couldn't be a pudgy penguin on twitter and hold 438 different coins in my metamask wallet if it wasn't for what he has built.
Adam: That's fucking stupid. Do I get the job or not.
Recruiter: Sir unfortunately we couldn't locate the person you listed as a reference. Someone named "satoshi". Which wouldn't have been a deal breaker but then our "safety" department noticed you have laser eyes in your twitter profile instead of an nft and we don't allow any sort of toxicity in this organization. Our employees are a community that supports each other on our mission to rug, I mean serve 1 billion customers. We can't have a bitcoin maximalist on the staff making them feel unsafe. We wish you all the best on your hashcoin, please consider listing with us when it is done. Have a nice day.
Adam: What a fucking waste of time. Go fuck yourself!
Hilarious 🤣
How do you find these old posts? Are they in the recommended?
Nice job, an actual lol moment. I'd like to see this as a comedy sketch.
Thanks. I do think SNL style skits (when SNL was good) surrounding bitcoin would be pretty funny.
Didn't Coinbase also switch to Bitcoin Cash during the blocksize wars? I don't remember much of 2017 except that I had like $50 of Bitcoin on Coinbase that was converted into "Bitcoin Cash" which I then had to convert back via shapeshift.
Even if they didn't support Core they could have let me keep both BTC and BCH but they didn't if my memory serves me correctly
I don't recall exactly. I owned bitcoin at that time but I was merging my business with another company and I was busy as all hell. Besides, owning it doesn't mean I understood anything. Haha.
I know Brian was supporting the big blockers and when the fork occurred you got the equivalent amount of BCash, which was actually great because I just sold it for Bitcoin. But I don't think they switched to Bitcoin Cash, maybe they promoted it as "bitcoin" or something but you shouldn't have lost you BTC stack. You should have had both.
Let's see how it goes.