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This is why people need to be a lot more careful about what languages and systems they use when money is at stake. This is the kind of problem you just wouldn't slip up on with a hard static typing system like Go (even rust is more wibbly wobbly, sorry rustaceans). or have a concatenation of strings somehow slip past without flagging a compile time error.
I know all you cool kids think that Rust fixes this, but actually, it doesn't.
But Go would have.
By the way, I was just about to make a post about the recent spate of 503 errors. I guess that's fixed now :D
This is why Go. Just shut up about performance, who cares if it goes fast if all it does is lose money.
I know all you cool kids think that Rust fixes this, but actually, it doesn't.
it does (but go ahead, garbage collect all you like)