And this is exactly what needs to be counted as overhead in maintaining mines...
At Bitcoin 2022 I was surprised that all the various companies offering me some mining products did not include this type of risk into their price calculations.
This is just sanctions on a fiat contract between a us company (compass mining) and a Russian company (bitriver). The news here is that fiat is not censorship resistant.
unfortunately the country you live in can also throw you in jail. if you consider citizenship fiat then it is indeed a fiat problem. otherwise it is a problem with existing in the real world
mining's Mt. Gox moment?
the people with miners in Compass facilities in RUS just got "Compassed"?
that is why you have to be careful where you are mining, since politicians are bipolar
Well if there is a head to cut off big govt will def find for everyone that got Got....It's already a tad shady not hosting the miner this kind of stuff happens makes one think of ways to avoid that and becoming that much more sovereign.
Here's a post here on SN about the sanctions:
Treasure department sanctions russian bitcoin miners #21425
6 months ago I would have said hashrate growth upper boundary constraint was foundry capacity, now it looks like it's going to be miners ability to stay plugged in (regulatory stability, energy pricing, contract terms).
A cruel lesson in the importance of self hosting your hardware. Hope there aren't too many Bitcoiners caught up by this.
This is a nice way of saying you won't get your money back, Compass has done this with miners when there were issues getting the machines on at facilities, and the people who bought the miners took a loss. I understand its probably hard on Compass's side as well to do all this but if it's not your machine you're trusting Compass