Your interpretation of the Statute of Monopolies 1624 is not consistent with the general understanding of the law. The Statute of Monopolies was enacted in the United Kingdom, with the primary goal of limiting the power of monarchs to grant monopolies, except in certain cases. It marked the end of the monopolistic royal trading privileges in England and was instrumental in the development of the concept of a competitive market. Statute of Monopolies doesn't apply to the situation described in Queensland, Australia. While historical British laws have influenced Australian legal principles, the invocation of a 17th-century British statute in a contemporary Australian legal context is unconventional. The Statute of Monopolies cannot somehow affect claims on personal assets by taxation authorities or resolve debt. It is unrelated to taxation, debt enforcement, or registration of personal property.
Did you generate that with GPT or what?
Do you even know what the statute of monopolies is? It was a prohibition against the Crown from issuing letters patent.
What do you think any government monopoly is?
They all have corporate registrations, just go look it up sometime at a registry. ALL GOVERNMENT ENTITIES ARE CORPORATIONS.
Government money is not real money, and they know it. It's just like the Continentals that were part of why the american colonies kicked out the british monarchy. It is a ponzi scheme they are using to syphon up our productivity, and it all ends up in the hands of the bankers and their corporate mates, that they spend at our expense.
No, I almost had these fuckers nailed between the eyes on this one. The judge even visibly looked stressed after I finished my argument presentation.
Also, just go dig up the Statute of Monopolies, hell gather together all of the Acts since the incorporation of british parliament, and then go look at the current Constitution of the state of Queensland. Known as the Brigalow Corporation. Also right there in the registry.
The constitution clearly states that all british law under which auspices this constitution was established, are all in force and continue to be in force, even if later law contradicts it.
the guy is just a brainwashed statist slave, deep asleep in the matrix still. Let him pay his taxes and all the interest on his credit card and mortgage accounts until he starts to wake up a little bit.
Interesting to read your anecdote, bravo. I also, would do this again as soon as possible. Working on getting the credit report restored, which would allow me to repeat. It's literally free "money" (credit) if you can understand some law and how banking and UCC work. This ridiculous world of debt instruments and corporate statutes.... Bitcoin hyperization can't come any sooner, it will be good riddance of this trash matrix these clowns created