Super pumped to see what's next.
This probably isn't the right place to ask, but: how scalable is the SN architecture? I don't understand what's going on behind the scenes w/ LN well enough to have much insight, but if there were 10x the current users, would this be a giant engineering problem to solve on the LN side, or would it scale the way similar sites do?
It will scale like any centralized website - horizontally with separation between data and data serving layers. The lightning stuff can scale horizontally too. Several companies do this already.
ie We can scale to another 100x with mostly configuration changes (not saying it'd be painless but relatively).
SN has always had great lightning support and super low fees.
I'm not talking about scaling the lightning network itself, but serving pages to users with whatever lightning integrations are required to support the site's functionality. A bunch of back-end magic going on that I don't have a good sense of.
I mean the lightning node SN runs