Annoying experience: yesterday on a social network site that is normally really high-signal somebody was just a complete dick to me, replying in this super assholish way to a comment. I knew I shouldn't respond, what possible use could there be in responding, and yet ... I responded. Pointless escalation ensued, just as you'd expect.
It's crazy how hard it can be, even after all this practice, to let someone punch you in the face and not do anything about it. I wonder if I'll ever get there.
Yeah those never end well lol but I feel ya
Been there
Out of curiosity, what site was it?
Hacker News.
That place is full of Roddenberry-type utopian communists; what were you expecting?
Enh, I reject that stereotype. Generally super smart, thoughtful, driven people, probably 100x more users than are on this site, so statistically, a number of them are going to be assholes.
But it is notable that so many of them understand so little about btc. Which is a good indicator for how early we still are.