You can add narrative to anything.
The article quotes "More than 6,400 documented human rights abuses have been committed during Bukele’s state of emergency and 174 people have died in state custody, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights said earlier this month." But what does this say about Bitcoin and financial independence? Is there a connection??
Likewise, I can cherry-pick any bit of information: "Between September 2021 and May 2022, the USA expelled more than 25,000 Haitians without due process</a>, in violation of national and international law." Again, what does this have to do with Bitcoin?
Bukele is being tarnished by traditional media (which has ties to the government and big corporations).
If the original article wanted to do some real journalism about the gang ms-13 or human rights violations, then they should also mention the radically declining homicides rates:
Number of Yearly Homicides: 2023 (1st Jan to Jul 15) = 81 2022 = 495 2021 = 1147 2020 = 1341 2019 = 2398 2018 = 3346