Any critique is immediately felt as FUD, that the years of work that we’ve made has been a waste and our vision of Bitcoin with Lightning is wrong. I’m not going to hold back, I can’t stand the thought of running a lightning node. That I need a hot wallet online 24/7 and if I lose connectivity, I’ll most likely come back to a forced closed channel from either myself or my partner.
Wow. That's got to be hard to admit. Lightning is an absolute nightmare.
The current iteration of lightning is not ideal. We need a few softforks to get it where people want and need it to be at.
I understand that's sort of just a semantical correction, but its important to say it that way. "Lightning is a nightmare" suggests you want to throw away lightning entirely. "We need a few softforks to make lightning workable for the average person" means you want to improve lightning.
Its an important distinction.
Yeah, it's definitely dysfunctional at the moment but I show how we can vastly improve it 😉