The Lightning Network is helping to power the creation of smart contract powered DApps on the Bitcoin blockchain, and more and more developers are slowly flocking back to Bitcoin to build on Lightning.
Bitcoin, at its core, is an alternative financial system supported in part by blockchain technology, but also by a community of people who are willing to fight for their financial independence, and who passionately believe in the vision that Satoshi Nakamoto created 13 years ago.
Bitcoin’s scripting language is intentionally limited: its original creator(s) did not make the script Turing complete because it was meant to allow users to create more complex financial transactions, not build large scale applications that could be exploited (and often are on other platforms). Bitcoin is, and will always be, a peer-to-peer financial system.
Transforming one’s perspective from looking at the cryptocurrency space as a tool for financial investment to looking at it as a movement for financial freedom is certainly difficult, but if they are willing to take that next step, then they will undergo the same transformation that a majority of members of the Bitcoin community, including myself, had to go through, and become true Bitcoiners.