Why do people keep trying to GO FULL ORANGE PILL on people who aren't ready?
Yeah, I don't get that either. People tend to orange pill themselves, given the right circumstances. All we need to do (or can do, really) is sort of "cultivate" those circumstances as best we can. To illustrate what I mean:
My own experience so far has been that people ask me about bitcoin first, without me ever mentioning bitcoin to them. At first, this wasn't intentional from my side, but we must have discussed related issues enough, that they end up guessing I might "know something about bitcoin" and ask me outright. I find this to be the best kind of orange-pilling - with near 100% conversion.
Of course this means it may take longer, but hasn't bitcoin taught us to have a low time preference?
Great reply. I agree. I think lack of social and personal awareness is the culprit.
Suddenly someone goes FULL PILL MODE and start recommending the Bitcoin Standard and all this nOiSe thinking someone just doesn't know it exists.