Deep state drivel.
Just like USA/China etc, you can't "defeat" Russia, a nuclear armed power. There must be a diplomatic solution.
Furthermore, the abuse and killing of over 14,000 Donbas civilians since the VIOLENT CIA-BACKED COUP in 2014 justifies action. Imagine if American ex-pats or dual citizens were being killed in Mexico or Canada by the government.
The government of Ukraine supports and is deeply involved with Extreme right wing groups that punish any dissent. Elections are now suspended in Ukraine.
Just like in Yugoslavia, the borders must be redrawn on Ethnic lines to achieve peace. The people of Crimea and Donbas are majority Russian and if you actually cared about "democracy" you would respect their wishes.
Stop advocating for more death you genocidal maniac
Oh Sudonaka, thank you for not invoking Soros' name. So cede large swaths of Ukraine, shake hands, and everything resets back to pre-2022? How does Sudonaka end this?
Draw new borders according to will of the people. For example, look at the pre-coup elections. Crimea and Donbas want to be part of Russia. At least everything west of the Dnieper is recognized by Russia as Ukraine and is allowed to join EU but never NATO. There will need to be a large DMZ established on the Ukrainian side.
Any further US ā€œsupportā€ of Ukraine means more Ukrainian dead.
If you are a Bitcoiner you should value peopleā€™s LIVES over the viability of their State.