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Tor is a toy of spooks and drug dealers. It's not scalable enough to be a network transport, and has critical design flaws and rigid architecture that resists the kinds of changes that would really fix things.
I mean, client side proof of work, really, guys, could it get any more obvious that we need a micropayment powered relay network? or?
Tor still has its utility for those who know to be careful with exit relays and practice basic opsec using it (not logging in to anything revealing, using pseudo or fully anonymous services, etc.), but I2P is technically superior in every regard.
The only reason Tor is used more is because I2P is fucking difficult to setup outside of Windows and non-systemd Linux distros.
For Bitcoiners who run nodes:
You can start running your node over I2P, for example in addition to over Tor, in less than 5 minutes:
  • Install i2pd (I2P daemon) on the command line:
    $ apt install i2pd && systemctl enable i2pd.service && systemctl start i2pd.service
    $ brew install i2pd && brew services start i2pd
  • Add these options to your bitcoin.conf configuration file and save it (on Linux it is usually located in the ~/.bitcoin/ directory, and on macOS in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin):
    i2psam= debug=i2p
  • Restart your node with Bitcoin Core version 22 and up.
I2P is fucking difficult to setup outside of Windows and non-systemd Linux distros.
What? It's simple to use i2pd on Gentoo Linux, which uses OpenRC not systemd by default. Basically:
$ sudo emerge -av i2pd
$ sudo rc-update add i2pd default
$ /etc/init.d/i2pd start
Maybe my take stems from being one of the few that until recently used dinit on an Artix install.
Very clean and pluggable init, terrible if a service you install doesn't just work. i2p/i2pd being one of those.
Yeah but most people need to download something, double click on an icon and it should work.
Gentoo linux. I'm sure it's easy on Arch too. Most people are running Debian or derivatives though.
And they have systemd.