I love the fact that I can vote more than once on this site. People on reddit are always saying "I wish I had more up-votes", and now we have an actual example of how/why that's a good idea.
In other news, I've heard people say "vote with your wallet" when describing commercial things they are for/against. Here we have a very literal example of that. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; this place is going to be huge.
Upvoting people more than once is a great feature. I also like that you can upvote old posts. If I find a post valuable, I should be able to tip no matter how old the post is.
I find it useful to think about the upvoting with sats not as "tipping" but rather as "rewarding" the value you received.
Adam Curry is talking about this in his value4value podcasts... it's subtle, but important distinction. If we start thinking about this as giving back the value we received, then I think authors are going to have much higher rewards and the system becomes healthier.