This is a great overview and resource. I myself have a rsspberry pi 4 running and umbrel installed. And I also installed BTCPay server but I didn’t yet configure it.
For a non tech person it can seem a daunting task. But this resource gives a lot of possible paths forward for me. Thanks.
I got a wordpress and woocommerce running. And I got a payment provider where I can accept dollars if people pay with their credit cards.
But now I want to offer my macro analysis and investment training services to the global Bitcoin community and stacking sats.
So my next step needs to be configuring my BTCPAYserver and get it working with my woocommerce and receive 1 sat for a demo product and 1 recurring sat for a membership/recurring newsletter product.
Next create a paywall where you van enter my Wordpress site and see a video or read an article about global macro economics and how it affects people stacking sats.
When this works I could help other organizations on other countries to get the same thing working and maybe also some foundations.
You could put all the parts on a site with an affiliate link to earn affiliate commissions when your customers buy the parts to create the raspbery pi unit. Is there a store online where you can pay with sats and buy an ssd card and a raspberry pi 4?
Caribbean islands and most islands in the world do not have easy payment providers. That means they can’t accept dollars for their services.
They can’t get paypal, stripe and linked to their local bank accounts to receive money.
So your BTCpayserver is a gift from heaven for them.
But they are still stuck into the fiat world.
So they need an easy way to convert sats into their currencies. But that comes next.
Thanks for your resource.