The problem with R5, is none of these countries want to cede power to each other.
First they tried Chinese Yuan backed by oil, now they're kinda looking at BRICS but ultimately the reason none of these other things work is because China doesn't want to cede control to Russia and Russia doesn't want to cede control to China so in the end they have to settle on a system no one controls and the only thing that works that way is Bitcoin, but they're going to try all the wrong answers first before they finally settle for that answer
You should see if you could deliver value to the BRICS. Do you have any service, or product you can trade to the BRICS. Any technological, IT software? They will be needing it. And you probably will receive R5 for it. That’s their currency.
I can tell you right now, they are not giving me R5. They will either give me sats, or they will currency exchange to give me sats.
R5's prospects are worse than the Euro's, but it is another chip in the dollar's edifice. I think it's more interesting as part of the dedollarization story than for its own sake.