A.Ads pays in Bitcoin but their inventory is trash and will take forever to pay you, slice as Kr mentioned is another network trying to offer payment back to users.
The issue with LN is how do you stop click fraud, you can destroy my budget in seconds if its clearing instantly, there would need to be a way to identify traffic and clicks as "authentic" either that is a custodian who would escrow the funds and release after clicks meet a certain criteria
I've been in the programmatic space for some time, done direct deals, I do think Bitcoin is a better payment settlement network, and it's very easy to use something like DFP or another ad management service, the problem is we don't yet have a marketplace where buyers and sellers can meet and agree on a CPM or CPC,
Google does this through its internal auctions, and 3rd party networks do deals with sites to buy bulk inventory
If someone were to build an ad marketplace on nostr I think that could be ground zero
It doesn't have to clear instantly. It could work the same as the existing ad programs, but with BTC instead of fiat. I mentioned LN not because of the need for instant payments, but because the base layer doesn't scale and as Bitcoin use grows, most applications will move over to LN eventually, even for transactions in the thousands of $.