I'm in process of curating my intake of data to high-quality sources, not third-party summarizers of that source who just use an ai to mass them out, podcast opinions of that source, or cheap tweets misnomering random parts without context. I have no paid subs, and I think this is a negative.
Nitter.net has RSS of any Twitter user. This includes MSM accounts.
Zero Hedge Premium Matt Taibbi substack
Shame on you siggy. Here I'm thinking NatGeo and WSJ, and you give me the king of crisis narrative publications and an award winning culture warrior. If Matt didn't have a blue check I'd prolly think about it. But what am I supposed to learn here?
I heard some depressing stuff about Nat Geo recently. I loved that mag as a kid. I honestly can't think of a mag I'd pay for. I used to subscribe to The Economist, but that was a long time ago.
Yes there's that, but NOSTR is a protocol with a few clients, and users are talking about news I want to actually read. Rather get closest to that source.
I choose to have some more coffees instead because all news is bad news.