I’m working on launching a course about global macro economics for the Turks and Caicos economy in the Caribbean.
I created a macro economic simulation model for that island.
I plan to discuss with people living on that island or doing business in the Caribbean in a board room setting what the global macro trends are.
In those sessions we will also discuss the main developments in larger economies like USA, BRICS, China, Europe and Japan.
My goal is to teach them about how their economy and the global economies work!
With strategic dashboards about historic economic infocators. I have flund a secret way how I can download all relevant indicators about all countries in the world from a reliable source.
So I’m going to teach them how they could quickly analyze and understand global macro trends and economies.
These people do not know what money is. They still live in the fiat world. They could ne policy advisors at government policy departments, trying to advance in their carreers. Or they could be imvestors, business owners trying to get financial freedom. But still in a fiat world.
So I can’t yet teach them to stack sats. But hopefully after 12 weeks of my program they know what “shit” the world is in. And how their wealth, the wealth of their islands, can be impacted. And they learn some basic economic processes to look at.
I would want to know from the Stacker.news community:
How do you make sense of global macro? Do you follow the economy of your country? And how and when do you decide to save and convert your fiat into sats?
What would you want to learn about the economy? What are your concerns?
On tech I need to try to get my BTCpayment server on my bitcoin node /Raspberry pi 4/ umbrel working through my wordpress website. I can already receive dollars through a payment provider but I need to let BTCpayserver work through woocommerce and wordpress. Then I can receive sats. And maybe focus on delivering economic courses and transformation for people with sats!!
Trying to focus on the bitcoin community instead of only the fiat community.
I also need to automate some work with python.