Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates stackers shared from all their latest work projects.
I will try to build a simple bot for nostr as a learning exercise.
I am interested to hear more :)
Will it be a bot which posts on SN or on nostr? Have you decided which language you want to use?
The initial idea was "posting the tittle, and respective link, of hot SN discussions on nostr", it was meant to be something simple. More focused on learning certain details of both systems and not on building something great.
I haven't decided the language, but should be something high level that doesn't get in the way (Javascript or Python)
🤙 Nice
Big milestone for Cashu:
bug fixes:
local dev:

Beside SN stuff, I am also working on a prototype for a prediction market using the lightning network:
I am using the LMSR by Robin Hanson as an automated market maker. I hope this will make it possible that liquidity only has to be provided to the market once at creation. After that, the LMSR algorithm should make sure that the market does not run out of liquidity.
Some impressions:
What started out as improving rendering performance ... led to me refactoring much of the code base and upgrading many of our dependencies last week ... that deployment failed so now I'm upgrading the remaining dependencies and other broad brush things that are too numerous to enumerate.
The next few changes we'll do will be big so it's nice to "clean our room" first.
I just finished my technical review of Chapter 8 of Mastering Bitcoin 3rd Edition. The next chapter will be fun, it’s about Transaction Fees.
Making a tutorial to teach to make a new SeedSigner in the next local Bitcoin meetup. #213346 ⚡️that's it
Taking a step back and focusing on getting outside more often and experiencing the real world. Bitcoin is amazing but sometimes I need a break from looking at a screen all the time.
I'm travelling (house sitting) in Portugal and this week will be a great opportunity to get to know the local bitcoiners and do some networking.
I'll be attending to the events planned for the week.
It will be a big work for me this coming weekend. Laundry and house cleaning, groceries, ironing etc. Household chores majority. I need to catch up after my son got out of the hospital this morning. Thanks he is doing well again. After I took care of him thoroughly now it is the house turn.
I’m working on launching a course about global macro economics for the Turks and Caicos economy in the Caribbean.
I created a macro economic simulation model for that island.
I plan to discuss with people living on that island or doing business in the Caribbean in a board room setting what the global macro trends are.
In those sessions we will also discuss the main developments in larger economies like USA, BRICS, China, Europe and Japan.
My goal is to teach them about how their economy and the global economies work!
With strategic dashboards about historic economic infocators. I have flund a secret way how I can download all relevant indicators about all countries in the world from a reliable source.
So I’m going to teach them how they could quickly analyze and understand global macro trends and economies.
These people do not know what money is. They still live in the fiat world. They could ne policy advisors at government policy departments, trying to advance in their carreers. Or they could be imvestors, business owners trying to get financial freedom. But still in a fiat world.
So I can’t yet teach them to stack sats. But hopefully after 12 weeks of my program they know what “shit” the world is in. And how their wealth, the wealth of their islands, can be impacted. And they learn some basic economic processes to look at.
I would want to know from the community:
How do you make sense of global macro? Do you follow the economy of your country? And how and when do you decide to save and convert your fiat into sats?
What would you want to learn about the economy? What are your concerns?
On tech I need to try to get my BTCpayment server on my bitcoin node /Raspberry pi 4/ umbrel working through my wordpress website. I can already receive dollars through a payment provider but I need to let BTCpayserver work through woocommerce and wordpress. Then I can receive sats. And maybe focus on delivering economic courses and transformation for people with sats!!
Trying to focus on the bitcoin community instead of only the fiat community.
I also need to automate some work with python.
After taking a short break, I'm back working on the Stacker News app and l'll try to finish the new post feature and publish a new version at the end of this week.
Woo doggie!
Need to remove replies from my Nostr -> RSS client. Out of context replies aren’t all that helpful to read. Will probably make it an option / only show replies so I can follow responses to me.
Then starting a local webhook-based queue experiment to replicate in self-hosting a pattern of http-triggered queue events. Which is easy in cloud systems but more difficult for self-hosting.
Besides fiat mining, I'm doing the Odin Project, about halfway through -
  • Learning, learning, learning. I'm just about to lock my first 100 STX for stacking :) Xverse's pooling option is great for those just starting out!
  • As I proceed, I'll aim to simplify the steps for future frens I hope to onboard. is excellent, but it should be presented in a bite-sized format (speaking from experience, lol)
Watch out,, I'm on my way :) :) :)
Not much but I planned to read and learn about new topics related to science, technology, and spiritualism.
I have found a website where we can learn and enroll in courses for free. They have a vast category of courses available. Kindly check out the link below. Thank you!
Maybe sleeping, stack & chill
Getting some official club shirt and also a flyer and poster for the next meet up
Something big
Rebranding a Camping logo wich it has pretty old one.