Imagine 1 second of 1 youtube video is one sat. Imagine 1 letter in this post is one sat.
Imagine 1 pixel is one sat and one second of sound is one sat.
Imagine the sat as the basic unit of information on the internet.
Are you there? Do you get what is possible now?
If we consider the basic unit of the internet as 1 sat a lot becomes possible.
  1. You would be watching a Youtube video (or a decentralized video “streaming” platform and you pay as you go. If you watch 30 sec of a paid video ad, you pay 30 sats. If you fill in a form the supplier asking you to fill in this form would pay YOU sats. Because you read his stuff. You pressed a button. And the button just means he needs to pay you at least 1 sat.
I’m not going to read your sales page and press that button for less then 1000 sats!!!
It would revolutionize the internet. Because you now pay per content. Suppliers now pay for YOUR attention.
I want to make this hit home for you:
We all got 24 hours. Every day. If one sat is one second you can do the mat how many sats we have per day. Each of us.
If I’m gonna watch 1 minute of your ad and spend my limited time you better pay me sats.
If I sleep 8 hours, work 8 hours and spwnd 8 hours of ny time relaxing and watching 1 minute of your youtube video you better pay me 60 sats.
Because my TIME is limited. I only got a limited amount of time. 80 years maybe. Multiply that by 365248. That is the amount if limited seconds I got. Maybe.
So time is limited. Sats are limited. We peg them together. Makes sense.
Digital products streamed as sats Now how would that work for say a digital thing? A song, a digital course.
Song You could price a song of 3 minutes like this: if you listen 3 minutes of a song I produced just pay me 180 sats. I’m just working with the 1 sats per second assumption here.
But maybe a song of Rihanna costs more sats per second. But basically at least one sat per second.
Digital Course Now imagine I created a 12 weeks course. Where you would join an environment where we discuss the global macro trends. The main economies. How they print fiat and how that would influence the value of sats!!
And I created videos of 5 min each showing you how the economic systems of the world work? And then each week wee meet for 2 hours.
So I give you 2 hours *60 minutes *60 seconds of MY precious limited time again. Each week. 12 weeks.
Wouldn’t you pay MORE than 1 sat per second for my time?
The videos of 5 minutes would be at 1 sat per second. But the group live meetings with me would be at a higher price in sats per second, right???
So here you see a model of distribution that could work for digital seevice providers. A musician would write a song, produce a son and distribute it, stream it as a “digital song”. 3 minutes. 180 sats. Each time.
But if you wanted to see her live you need to pay for her TIME. More sats per second. If she gave you a live course or coaching session that would mean a higher price per sat per second.
The internet of information would just be the internet of streaming sats.
Now here is the thing: we say Human capital. Is precious. The power is in the people.
So now if I see a bunch of kids on the street making music what I see is productivity. I see a potential singer song writer. I see a film maker. I see them using their TIME to crafting their skills. I see SATS.
I see earning potential of SATs. Do you see it?
Now how would this be implemented? I don’t know. Could this be implemented? I don’t know.
But what I feel is this should be like a “protocol”. Just a layer 2 protocol on top of the Layer 1 bitcoin protocol.
We already got the sats protocol on layer 1 going. What we need to do is to add this layer 2 protocol that 1 sec is at least one sat on top of it.
And enforce it. And let more people and businesses use it.
I don’t know how to implement it. I’m using NOSTR and I love how that protocol was created.
So here are my thoughts about the 1 sat is one 1 sec protocol.
Use it. Distribute it. Punch holes in it. Improve it. Or just forget about it.
I put it out there. That was my job.
Let me know what you think
Leaving the TV on for 24 hours would cost you 86000 sats.
That's a LOT!
Why would you watch tv 24 hours?
If there is tv and they want you to watch THEY would need to pay you!! You could earn a living by just watching tv 8 hours.
Remember you determine your watch fee per second for the tv.
My daily earnings are about 20 sats a second. Out of this I must pay rent, food and everything else. I used to be able to earn 10,000x more. I'm scared for the future. Thankfully the sats buy more too.
There was a guy on SN a while ago which described his vision about just looking at people and sending sats to them. Using glasses with augmented reality or something.
I thought it was funny and a very powerful idea. I think you are describing the same thing in more depth here.
But I think you forgot to mention one thing: We are not limited sats to per second. The Lightning network supports other units like milli, micro, nano and pico!
In my opinion, this will open up a lot of economic opportunities.
btw: how long did it take you to write this post? This may inspire the amount of my zap haha
I wrote it in day max 10 minutes. Lol. It went out easily and I was kind like in the zone.
Most of the time when you are in the zone time stands still!! Everything comes out naturally.
Yes zapping sats by just looking at a thing or somebody might be cool. Thanks. And also your link about the micro or nano. I did not know. Will look into that.
The smaller the better.
As to zapping by just looking imagine Apple Vision or the Oculus Quest VR headset.
I saw something like WebVR a framework or protocol on top of html that works for most VRs. If you could embed this concept of 1 sat in there it means we enter the world of VR now with sats!
I look at you sword in a game and I buy it. Some sats.
Gaming: I play population one. There are many people playing it. If we would just change the points you get into sats you see now it becomes a real challenge.
So also for gaming industry and VR we could use sats and the micro. could you just create a feature that records when I started this post and when I pressed reply?
And also add the number of letters of this post at the top?
My chatgpt model can then pick it up and use it.
This post took about 5 minutes. 300 seconds to write.