Worst case scenario is people adopt CBDCs without any resistance, we get a worldwide CCP style surveillance state/social credit system. Bitcoin becomes a dark market only asset and we live in tyranny.
That's the worst case. The saddest case is we don't keep our eye on the ball, get complacent as price goes up, stop focusing on growing adoption and educating and instead spend time infighting over shit that doesn't really matter for another 20 years like security budget and a centralized shitcoin like ethereum goes full on centralization partnering with big banks and big tech gets in the hands of billions and manages to fool them that they are the newer, better, more innovative bitcoin (all the shit the shitcoiners have been peddling for years but with big bank and big tech support because it is PoS and they control the protocol). That would be sad.
CBDCs may be the burn people need to feel to jump ship to BTC. Sad but probably true.
Hopefully they jump shit before the ship docks at digital guantanamo bay.