It was some Blackrock analysts or contractors written in Feb of 2022, long before the great bear market shift:
Thank you
Im going to bring out the skeptic in me with BlackRock. I don't trust them at all. They represent everything that I as a bitcoiner believe what is wrong with the world today.
I would not be surprised that they would begin hyping BTC and then rug pull everyone and say "see!!! i told you BTC was bad" and everyone who is burned will agree. Then you'd have big daddy govt come in, bail BR out and come out looking like the hero.
Yes i have an extreme distrust with big corporations and govt. Nevertheless, BTC would just come out on top stronger than ever. Its just do damn tiring with their never ending agendas against humanity.
They're up to no good
yup, it's money for enemies. they can call it asset all they want, lol
There's no portfolio construction model that would allow Bitcoin to have more than a 5% allocation without a constraint.
You have to understand what "high Sharpe ratio" asset classes do to portfolio optimization models.
These models are garbage and we can be sure Blackrock will advise nobody in this manner.
But we were meant to see this report for a reason - thats where the signal lives.